About Me

My name is Danielle and I’m a book-lover. I’ve always loved to read. I enjoy sharing books with people and I especially love to talk about my favorites. I like having discussions about books and learning what other people think or how the book makes them feel. I  like when someone points something out that I never even picked up on or thought about. So I figured why not make a blog about the books I read? I’ve found so many great book suggestions from the other book blogs out there that I never would have found otherwise (my to read list grows longer every week!), and I hope that I can do the same for some of my visitors.

Over the course of my first blog year, I realized that I wanted to talk about more than books. So now not only will there be book posts, there will also be crafty posts about various projects I’m working on as well as posts on life in general. The scope of this blog has definitely broadened over the past few years.

I hope you enjoy what I’ve written. Feel free to leave comments, and thanks for stopping by! 🙂

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