Blog Awards

Blog Awards

Hi all… sorry for my continued absence!  I really need to step it up and get back into the swing of things….

In the meantime, I was nominated for two more blog awards!

The first was The Liebster Blog Award from Katy over at katy brandes writes: Thank you so much Katy!

The Rules: Winners answer 11 questions provided by whoever tagged you, provide 11 facts about yourself, and choose 11 followers to bestow the award upon, so long as they have 200 or less followers.

Katy’s 11 questions

1. Comedy or drama (reading, movies or tv)? I like both for all three of those categories.  Depends on my mood, really.
2. Shelfari or goodreads? Goodreads
3. What is the first book you remember reading? Oh jeez, this is a tough one…I’d say probably the Little House on the Prairie Book set…
4.  Why do you blog? To talk about books with people who are interested in them too
5. What is your favorite reading genre? hmmm I go through phases, but I’d say historical fiction
6. Do you own an e-reader?  (why/why not) I do.  It makes it easier to carry books around, especially when I take the train to go places. (I always make sure it’s charged and carry it in my bag)
7. Who is your favorite author? I don’t know if I really have a favorite one because I rarely read every book a single author has written…
8. How do you feel about popular book recommendations? Depends on if I’m interested in the genre, first of all.  But generally I’ll at least check it out…
9. What book would you never read even if you were paid to do so? I would almost say Fifty Shades of Grey here, but I’m kind of on the fence and sort of want to see what all the craze is about for myself…and I kind of want to read it because I think all the negative reviews that rip it apart are hysterical and want to see if it really is that bad…  but I don’t know if there are any other books, though I wouldn’t re-read Freedom by Jonathan Franzen again even for money…
10. New rock or classic rock? Both
11. Do you create a playlist in your mind while reading a book? No I don’t think I ever have, actually…

11 Facts about myself
I’m running out of things to say since  most of the blog awards ask for random facts….

1. Real Genius is my favorite Val Kilmer movie
2. I want to get my own sewing machine to make things on my own (and not just in class)
3. I’m attending my first bachelorette party this weekend!
4. I wish I could travel all over the world without money being an issue
5. I’ve tried to learn Italian using Rosetta Stone, but just haven’t stuck with it.
6. I feel guilty/embarrassed when I say I may want to read 50 Shades of Grey (see reasons in question #9 above)
7. My boyfriend, M., and I just celebrated our 5th anniversary this week
8.  Every anniversary M & I try out a new steakhouse in the area (though we’ve gone on other occasions, too, so we’ve been to at least7 steakhouses that I can think of  in the last 5 years)
9. I think I joined too many book challenges this year and will probably cut back next year.
10. I’m going to Aruba in 5 weeks for my cousin’s destination wedding, making it my third trip to Aruba
11. I’ve gone on another unintentional knitting hiatus and miss it and really need to get back into it

11 questions for the people I pick
1. What is your favorite book read in 2012? (does not have to be released in 2012)
2. Have you read any of the books in the Song of Ice and Fire series? Why/why not?
3. What is your opinion of 50 Shades of Grey?
4. How long have you blogged?
5.  Do you do anything crafty?
6. What country are you from?
7. What countries/states have you traveled to?
8. Do you like to participate in weekly memes? Which ones?
9. What is your guilty pleasure tv show/book/movie?
10. What tips/pointers do you have for blogging?
11. Is there a book you love that you want to be a movie, as long as it was done the right way? Why/Why not?  Which one?

11 bloggers
(there are some I would have put on here, but they have more than 200 followers)

1. Did You Make That?
2. midnight coffee monster
3. Lucy’s Football
4. lyndawithaycrawford
5. katy brandes writes (yup, sending it back to you!)
6. The Middlest Sister
7. Cotton Handy
8. dressesandme
9. The Tiger’s Eye
10.The Oddness of Moving Things

The second award was from the Literary Tiger and is called The Booker Award: Thank you very much!!

The Booker Award is an award for blogs whose content are at least 50% about books (reading and writing are okay too.)

The Rules

1.  Nominate other blogs (they say between 5-10), but nominate as many or as few as you want.  Don’t forget to let your recipients know.

2.  Post the Booker Award picture.

3.  Share your top 5 books of all time.

Top 5 Books  (“All-time” is pretty intense…these are the first that I thought of…)
1. A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin
2.  Timeline by Michael Chrichton
3.  Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling
4. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
5. Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon

Nominated Blogs
1. Should Be Reading
2. Green Paw Paw
3. The Librarian Who Doesn’t Say Shhh
4. Adventures in Borkdom
5. snobbery


Sorry for such a long delay in posting and thank you again for the “nominations”!  It feels great to know there are people out there who read (and apparently enjoy!) my blog. 🙂

Now I have to go tell everyone I’ve sent the awards their way…

18 thoughts on “Blog Awards

  1. Congrats on your awards, and thank you for the nomination (:

    It’s funny you mention 50 Shades of Gray, because I just put in a request for it at my library! (I haven’t wanted to share this with many people, either.) It’s far from anything I’d ever want to read, but I’d like to join the hate-or-love hype and form my own opinion.


    1. I know exactly what you mean!

      I put in a request at my library too. They have 189 digital copies, and I’m still #308 on the waiting list! One of my friends at work is going to let me borrow it. Shh. haha


      1. So many copies and still such a huge waiting list! There are over 200 requests for a physical copy at the library, but only around 30 for an audio CD. Based on excerpts I’ve read, I’m not sure I can wade through the text, so I thought audio would be a better option, ha ha (and much less wait time!).


  2. Thanks Danielle! I’ve answered the 11 questions below:
    1. The Absolutist by John Boyne – it was amazing!
    2. Yes, all of them. They were phenomenal.
    3. Doubt I’ll read it. There are better books out there in that genre, this one just happened to have an awesome PR machine. (Plus from a gender studies point of view apparently all the BDSM is completely wrong.)
    4. Just over two years!
    5. Not really, but I can still bust out a mean hemp necklace or friendship bracelet form however many years spent at summer camp.
    6. USA
    7. UK, France and Italy. Not very exciting.
    8. Nope
    9. Project Runway and ANTM
    10. Have fun and be yourself! And don’t overextend yourself.
    11. Ohh…idk about this. I would love to see At Swim, Two Boys turned into a film, but I feel like it would ruin it for me so maybe not.


    1. Oh I LOVE Project Runway! I started taking sewing classes (as I’m sure you’ve seen from my blog posts) so it’s fun to realize I know some of the tools they use now! Also, I have a TON more respect for them and what they are able to do!! So glad a new season just started 🙂


        1. I didn’t watch the “road to the runway” or whatever the episode before the “real” episode was, so I didn’t really get to know the contestants yet. But one of the guys reminds me a lot of Josh from the last season, and I really don’t care for him (or Josh). After another episode I should start to remember names 🙂


          1. Oh and there’s a guy that reminds me of Michael from a few seasons ago (probably the one that I think the one that’s like Josh is in love with – I mean come on they’re acting like kindergartners who like each other)! I missed the road to the runway too.


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