
The Return of the Changing Pad & Diaper Pouch…

Yup, I made another one!

A co-worker, J., is due in mid-June and we’re having a baby shower for her tomorrow at work. (there is a good chance she’ll deliver early). She’s had to work from home recently, so it’s not a surprise because we needed to make sure she could come in for it. What she doesn’t know is that I collected donations from our group at work to buy a group gift and we collected enough to get 2 items off her registry. My work BFF, C., and I went to Babies R Us on Friday after work and had a field day. We couldn’t stop cooing over the cute baby clothes. It is so easy to spend money in that store!

We determined that we think it’s all so very cute, but we’re not ready to have babies ourselves yet.

Here’s part of a conversation we had:
Me: “this makes me want to have a baby…but just to dress up”
C: “yeah, a baby we could give back”
Me: “so what we really want are dolls, right?”

Though there are tons of cute baby girl clothes, I still think baby boys clothes are the cutest (I mean, a teeny tiny “suit” or sweater with elbow patches? come on!). We each got some clothes for the baby (as separate gifts from ourselves, not the group), and I decided to also make a changing pad and diaper pouch, too. Conveniently, I had the materials I needed as I had originally purchased the stuff quite some time ago to make this for someone else, but then never did. Whoops.

changing pad diaper pouch collageI’m pretty pleased with the way this came out, though I forgot how thick the home decor weight fabric can be once there are a few layers! I hope J. likes it!

I think she is going to be surprised by the gifts 🙂


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