Mom Musings

Mom Musings: On Going Back to Work

After being off work for my 12-week maternity leave + 1 extra week, I return to work tomorrow. I can’t believe how fast the time went by! I would be lying if I said I haven’t been looking forward to going back. I’m ready to get back into a different kind of schedule that doesn’t solely focus on the last time Baby D ate, if I’m being completely honest. (I’m also craving more adult interaction!)

Baby D started daycare at my work last week, and he’ll be there 2 days per week. I can go visit him at any time. I think (hope) this will help ease the transition of not spending all day with him anymore! (I wonder how I’ll actually feel tomorrow morning. Part of me thinks it will be no big deal, and another part of me thinks I’ll just breakdown on the way in!)

I’m taking Fridays off for the first quarter of the year as I figure out my work-life balance. I plan to use Fridays as our designated doctor appointment day (and maybe try to get naps in as well!). I won’t have to worry about getting home from work in time, or going in late, or taking a half or whole day off to go to appointments. When I pick the Friday back up, it will be a work from home day, so I could still use it for appointments.

To pamper myself prepare for my return to work, I wanted to use a couple of gift certificates I received for Christmas for a mani/pedi and a massage today. I ended up doing the mani/pedi and some shopping (with some birthday and Christmas gift cards!). I really wanted to get that massage in too but the nearby locations were completely booked the whole weekend! So bummed.

OPI Taupe-less 🙂

I also stopped at Target on my way home from the salon and got some snacks and soups to bring to work. (Some healthier options, too. the KIND brand snacks)

I almost feel like it’s the first day of school again; I have my clothes all laid out and ready to go, my alarm is already set… 🙂

Wish me luck!

Mums and Dads out there: how did you feel returning to work for the first time after having a baby?

What do you think?