
2013 Blog Resolutions

I’ve seen a bunch of people doing resolutions for their blogs, and I’ve decided to do some, too.  Here goes…

1. Don’t stress
I don’t have to post every day.  And I shouldn’t feel forced/obligated to post anything.

2. Participate in the weekly memes again
Maybe this goes against my first resolution, but I would like to begin participating in the weekly memes again.  Maybe not all of the ones I used to do, or even all the time, but I’d like to do them every now and again.

3. Complete the challenges I joined
Now, I know this could also interfere with #1, but it’s OK if I do the challenges slowly, at my own pace, and even OK if I don’t finish them.  But since I only signed up for a couple and there aren’t too many books for each (and they can overlap), I really want to complete them.

4. Write about non-book related things
I’d like to put up more posts that aren’t book related; I’m still trying to figure out what I really want this blog to be.  Of course, it’s primarily books, but over the past year-ish I’ve started to do more crafty things, and I’d like to talk about those too (aka my sewing adventures).  I’ve seen, read and started following so many great sewing/craft blogs and I’d love to join that community as well.

and most importantly:

(I think this is self-explanatory, no?)

What are your resolutions?

Monday Musings

Monday Musings (7)

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Each Monday, a book-related question will be posted and we blog our answers, then link back to the original post. (You can find this week’s original post by clicking on the above image).

This week’s musing asks…

If you were going to write a book, what would you write about? Would it be fiction, or nonfiction?

I have always wished I was creative enough to write a book.  When I was younger I wrote a few short stories (nothing fantastic).  I even wrote an ending the way I would hate a real fantasy book to end: “it was all a dream.”  Thinking back, I can’t believe I did something like that. An ending like that (whether book, movie, or TV) is such a cop-out.

Anyway, I would love to write fiction.  Historical or children’s, I think.  I love the idea of historical fiction, it’s one of my favorite genres, but I know that it is a LOT of research in order for it to be as accurate as possible.  I think children’s stories could be fun to write because I think you could have more artistic license when writing for children.  They’re willing to believe more without questioning the details (sometimes, anyway. hehe)

One of my favorite stories I wrote as a kid was called “The Shoes” and it was about a boy in middle school (I think around 11 years old) who was on a basketball team that never won.  One day when he was at the mall, he stopped in a shoe store and bought an awesome pair of sneakers and when he played in his next basketball game he was the star of the game.  When he returned to the mall to ask about the sneakers, the shoe store was gone, but there was a piece of paper where the storefront had been and it was a note to him from the shop owner who happened to be an elf.  Something to that effect, anyway. 🙂

How about you?  Have you ever wanted to write a book? Or have you?


Formats and whatnot

Since I’m pretty new to this whole book review thing, I’m getting a feel for how I should format my reviews.  Sometimes, I don’t want to write my own synopsis because I’m afraid I’ll give too much away.   But then I’m worried that my synopsis isn’t good enough to make people interested in the story.  So for now, I think  I will do what I’ve seen others do and use the synopsis from Goodreads.  Maybe in the future I will become more comfortable with writing my own synopsis…

However, it bothers me when I decide to start something when I haven’t been doing it all along and I almost want to go back and edit my earlier reviews to follow the same format. (i.e., now add the Goodreads synopsis)


If you have read any of my past reviews, do you have any tips/hints/suggestions on how to format them?  Do you have any suggestions on how to improve my reviews and writing?