
Changing Pad & Diaper Pouch

One of my cousins had a baby a few months ago and another is expecting any day (her due date is next Monday!).  Anyway, I was trying to figure out something I could get them for Christmas when trusty allfreesewing came to the rescue.  I decided to look up sewing patterns for babies that didn’t look/sound too hard, but that also wouldn’t cost me an arm and a leg to complete.  And lo and behold, I found the Changing Pad & Diaper Pouch tutorial from!


The fabric patterns chosen for the tutorial were absolutely adorable, but I never would have thought to use them together (as you can tell in the pictures, I’m fairly new to this with the plain solid color choices).  Anyway, I printed out the instructions and went to JoAnn’s to get all the supplies I needed.

Because I used regular cotton fabric for the pouches and not the home decor weight fabric, I added Heat n’ Bond and doubled up the cotton fabric to give it more stability.  I’m very pleased with the outcome (even though it’s not perfect and I’m a stickler for details).   It was a bit tough to stitch in the thicker parts of the material, but I made it work!


I found two packs of the PUL material with really cute patterns which I used for the changing pads.  Home decor weight fabric and PUL were used to created the changing pad in the tutorial, but I put PUL on both sides so either side can be used.  The bias tape on the changing pads was kind of tough.  The tutorial says to use 1/2″ bias tape, which I bought.  But the green bias tape was harder to work with because it was single fold, so I ironed it out straight and then just folded it in half over the material.  The pink bias tape was double fold, so it was a bit easier to work with.  If I make this again in the future, I will definitely make sure to use double fold.

Monsters and dinosaurs!
Cheetahs and polka dots!

It took me a total of about 9 hours over a few days to complete both.   If I do this again, I think I’ll go for the home dec weight fabric because adding the Heat ‘n Bond and the extra layers of fabric was definitely time-consuming!

I think this is a practical but cute gift, don’t you?  I mean, who wants to lug a whole diaper bag to the restroom when she’s at a restaurant?  Just grab this little pouch and you have everything you need!

I gave these to my cousins yesterday and they loved them, so mission accomplished!

I think I’ll start making a list of what to make for people for next Christmas and work on them throughout the year… does anyone else make homemade gifts?  What do you suggest?

7 thoughts on “Changing Pad & Diaper Pouch

  1. What amounts of yardage of EACH item: heat and bond or wunder under, pu fabric, and other fabric for the pad and the pockets, etc. do I need to purchase?


    1. Hi Kate – I don’t remember the amounts off the top of my head, but if you click on the link Changing Pad & Diaper Pouch at the top of my post, it will take you to the tutorial where they outline what you need. Have fun! 🙂


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